Maximum binomial coefficient term value
Given a positive integer n. The task is to find the maximum coefficient term in all binomial coefficient. The binomial coefficient series is nC0, nC1, nC2, …., nCr, …., nCn-2, nCn-1, nCn the task is to find maximum value of nCr....
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Find the number of ways to draw the last colored ball
Given an array balls[] representing the count of colored balls labeled from 1 to k, the task is to determine the number of ways to draw the last ball of color i before drawing the last ball of color i + 1 for all i from 1 to k – 1....
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Count sequences of given length having non-negative prefix sums that can be generated by given values
Given two integers M and X, the task is to find the number of sequences of length M that can be generated comprising X and -X such that their respective counts are equal and the prefix sum up to each index of the resulting sequence is non-negative....
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Sum of product of consecutive Binomial Coefficients
Given a positive integer n. The task is to find the sum of product of consecutive binomial coefficient i.e nC0*nC1 + nC1*nC2 + ….. + nCn-1*nCn...
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Narayana number
In combinatorics, the Narayana numbers N(n, k), n = 1, 2, 3 …, 1 ? k ? n, form a triangular array of natural numbers, called the Narayana triangle. It is given by :Narayana numbers N(n, k) can be used to find the number of expressions containing n-pairs of parentheses, which are correctly matched and which contain k distinct nesting. For instance, N(4, 2) = 6 as with four pairs of parentheses six sequences can be created which each contain two times the sub-pattern ‘()’ :...
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Program to find the value of sin(nΘ)
Given the value of sin(?) and a variable n<=15. The task is to find the value of sin(n?) using property of trigonometric functions.Examples:...
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Count permutations of given array that generates the same Binary Search Tree (BST)
Given an array, arr[] of size N consisting of elements from the range [1, N], that represents the order, in which the elements are inserted into a Binary Search Tree, the task is to count the number of ways to rearrange the given array to get the same BST....
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Ways to Remove Edges from a Complete Graph to make Odd Edges
Given a complete graph with N vertices, the task is to count the number of ways to remove edges such that the resulting graph has odd number of edges....
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Program to print binomial expansion series
Given three integers, A, X and n, the task is to print terms of below binomial expression series. (A+X)n = nC0AnX0 + nC1An-1X1 + nC2An-2X2 +….+ nCnA0Xn Examples:...
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Program to Find the value of cos(nΘ)
Given a value of cos(?) and a variable . The task is to find the value of cos(n?) using property of trigonometric functions.Note: n <= 15.Examples:...
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Number of distinct subsets of a set
Given an array of n distinct elements, count total number of subsets....
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Binomial Coefficient | DP-9
The following are the common definitions of Binomial Coefficients....
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